
  • 淫民导航 Chinese divers Chen Yiwen/Chang Yani win women's synchronized 3m springboard

  • 发布日期:2024-07-28 19:19    点击次数:120

淫民导航 Chinese divers Chen Yiwen/Chang Yani win women's synchronized 3m springboard

PARIS淫民导航, July 27 (Xinhua) -- China's Chen Yiwen and Chang Yani won the women's synchronized 3m springboard event at the Paris Olympics on Saturday.

This victory marks the first gold medal for the Chinese diving "Dream Team" and China's second overall at the Paris Games.

Chen and Chang, who have paired up to win this event at the last three World Championships, scored a total of 337.68 points in the final.


This achievement also represents the sixth consecutive Olympic gold medal in this event for China since the 2004 Athens Games.■


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